Surgical Treatment
We can make some amazing aesthetic and functional improvements with orthodontic treatment alone. However, approximately 1-5% of our patients have jaw alignment issues that cannot be addressed by orthodontics alone. These cases also require surgery to reposition the jaws. Repositioning the jaws allows the teeth to line up correctly. It takes a special team to make this happen, and we are proud to work with outstanding surgeons on many of these cases.
How does it work?
Typically, we move the teeth to “decompensate the dentition;” meaning, we line up the top and bottom teeth such that they will fit together AFTER the surgeon moves the jaw(s). Often times, we intentionally make the bite worse so that the surgeon can make it better. It is exactly like the old saying: “It is necessary sometimes to take one step backward to take two steps forward.”
Braces or Invisalign?
We are proud to be on the leading edge of technology, and we treat many surgical cases using Invisalign® for pre-surgical orthodontics. Conventionally, orthodontists use braces, because it is what they and the surgeons are trained in. However, we’ve assembled a team of surgeons who have embraced our new technology. This is advantageous for both working adults and kids who are in college. Interestingly, our method and technique has led to an increased case acceptance by this population of patients. Don’t hesitate to call to set up a free consultation for more information.